Update: Sustainable Santa Cruz County Plan
The following notification was sent out by the County Planning Department a few weeks back:
…the County Planning Department has decided to postpone the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors Meetings (originally scheduled for September 10th and September 30th, respectively) in order to adequately integrate and respond to comments received from many members of the public, as well as public agencies and Board members related to the Sustainable Santa Cruz County Plan.
Updated dates for consideration of the final Plan by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors are:
Planning Commission September 24, after 9:00 am
Board of Supervisors October 28, after 9:00 am
Both meetings will be held in the County Board Chambers, on the 5th Floor of 701 Ocean St, Santa Cruz.
As a reminder, the Public Review Draft is available on the project website.
SCCBC has met with members of the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to voice our general support for the Plan, but to also specifically contribute suggestions related to increased density (where appropriate), special attention to transportation challenges within the Plan’s focus area and for support of Plan-related elements that will provide what the Plan labels as “community benefit” projects.
We will be attending the 9/24 Planning Commission meeting to voice our thoughts, and will continue follow up with the Board of Supervisors. More updates as new information comes to light.