The Gig is Up: California AB 5

Last month, Governor Gavin Newsom signed California AB 5 into law. AB 5 is expected to have a large impact on California’s gig economy. Our staff took a look into the details of AB 5 including which practices are exempt from the law. You can check out our short one pager as well as our full presentation below.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”How will AB 5 affect you_”]


[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”AB 5 Presentation”]



  1. AB 5 Legislative Update on March 9, 2020 at 7:04 am

    […] to give an update on the newest gig-worker law California’s AB 5. We have previously covered AB 5 here, but basically AB 5 set the ABC test as the official standard of independent contractors. There is […]