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Press Release: SCCBC Board of Directors Endorses Measure D
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2022 Contact: Emily Ham, emily@sccbusinesscouncil BUSINESS COUNCIL ENDORSES MEASURE D SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, CA — The Santa Cruz County Business Council (SCCBC) has voted to “reaffirm its support of Greenway’s concept to build a ‘multi-use, contiguous trail, with separate pedestrian and bike lanes, down the center of the corridor with a…

Support for Santa Cruz Community Credit Union
On Thursday, August 12, 2021, the Santa Cruz County Business Council (SCCBC) Policy & Issues Committee convened to discuss the Santa Cruz Community Credit Union (SCCCU) sale of their downtown building to fund the expansion of the Member Access Plan and other financial services across. There was clear consensus from members in attendance that the…

Feb 10th Vaccine Update Fed/State/Local
On February 10th, 2021 the Issues and Policy Committee of the Santa Cruz County Business Council met and heard a staff presentation on the current state of vaccine distribution at the federal, state, and local levels. You can access the full presentation here, but please know it is a policy overview, and not a guide…

Affordable Housing on the River
The lack of housing, and affordable housing specifically, is something Santa Cruz residents know all too well. Not only is housing expensive, but the houses are old too. These issues can at least be marginally addressed with the help of the RiverFront Project – a density bonus housing development beginning on the northern corner of…

What Bus Service?
That’s a question the residents of Santa Cruz County might soon be asking themselves if any of the following state bill pass: A1350, AB2012, and AB2176. Each one is aimed at increasing ridership in existing bus systems by completely eliminating the cost of ridership for specific age groups and people. AB1350 would allow anyone under the…