UCSC The Original Thinkers Series

SCCBC is proud to co-sponsor UCSC’s upcoming The Original Thinkers Series on September 22, 2017.


Federally funded research and data are under siege. Learn how a UC Santa Cruz professor is working to preserve valuable environmental data and safeguard policy – and how you can help protect current and future academic research. Join a select group of community and business leaders for our monthly forum taking on issues of local significance. This month, Chancellor George Blumenthal and Assistant Professor of Sociology Lindsey Dillon address the urgency of protecting vulnerable research.

The morning after the election last November, Lindsey Dillon, along with like-minded scientists, lawyers, and academics swung into action to respond to vanishing data and shifting policies as the Trump administration began its efforts to dismantle environmental agencies. Dillon and her colleagues in the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI), have a plan – and hopeful prospects.

Friday, September 22

8 a.m. Breakfast buffet and networking
8:30–9:30 a.m. Program and discussion
Hotel Paradox, Santa Cruz
$10 (includes breakfast)

Please register by September 18.
Questions? Contact specialevents@ucsc.edu or (831) 459-5003.

Co-sponsored by the Santa Cruz County Business Council and Monterey Bay Economic Partnerships.

 Assistant Professor Lindsey Dillon

Lindsey Dillon is an avid writer on topics involving political activism and social justice, and has also done extensive research in urban geography. She will be discussing the efforts of the Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI) to preserve vulnerable online government data. Learn more about Dillon and EDGI here and here.

Chancellor George Blumenthal

As legislators convene to debate the federal budget, deep cuts to federally funded research are looming. Chancellor Blumenthal will address how short-sighted federal research cuts have lasting impact – and how you can help.