Support for Santa Cruz Community Credit Union

On Thursday, August 12, 2021, the Santa Cruz County Business Council (SCCBC) Policy & Issues Committee convened to discuss the Santa Cruz Community Credit Union (SCCCU) sale of their downtown building to fund the expansion of the Member Access Plan and other financial services across. There was clear consensus from members in attendance that the SCCCU is on the right path for advancing their mission of increasing equity and access throughout Santa Cruz County. The following letter was submitted to the SCCCU Board of Directors to reflect this sentiment and to stand in alignment with the mission and vision to promote economic equity and fairness in our region.
Dear Chair Sherer and Members of the Board:
On behalf of the Santa Cruz County Business Council, we write to express our support for Santa Cruz Community Credit Union (SCCCU), your Member Access Plan, and expanded access to financial services and products across Santa Cruz County.
The Santa Cruz County Business Council was founded in 1996 to provide a collective voice for the business community. Our large and growing number of members, including SCCCU, regularly practice informed advocacy for businesses and communities often resulting in policies, practices, and projects that have long lasting impact in our County. We strive to be leaders of smart economic and community growth, and the SCCCU Member Access Plan aligns with this mission.
SCCCU is a community institution that supports economic vitality, local workforce development, and the financial empowerment of all community members. Proceeds from the sale of the downtown building are critical to the expansion of the Member Access Plan which will increase internet and mobile availability, reach more of our underserved and unbanked community members, expand pop-up banking location, and provide loans and other financial products to those who are financially disadvantaged. We hope the community at large will join us in supporting these objectives and moving us closer to an equitable and fair banking environment in Santa Cruz County.

Emily Ham
Executive Director
Santa Cruz County Business Council