Santa Cruz City officials to brief SCCBC on Water Solutions Advisory Committee (WSAC) progress/plans
Time: 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Location: PAMF, 2025 Soquel Drive (2nd Floor Conference Room), Santa Cruz
This month the GA/ED Committee invites all members to hear from Santa Cruz City officials regarding the progress and future plans of the Water Solutions Advisory Committee (WSAC). Water Director Rosemary Menard and WSAC member Erica Stanojevic will be the featured guests.
WSAC initially convened in April 2014 to explore, through an iterative, fact‐based process, the City’s water profile, including supply, demand and future threats, and analyze potential solutions to deliver a safe, adequate, reliable and environmentally sustainable water supply, and develop strategy recommendations for City Council consideration. WSAC is comprised of 14 community members, including Sid Slatter who is representing SCCBC’s interests in the discussion.
For more information on WSAC: