Coonerty to provide local election analysis and vision for 2015

Third District County Supervisor-elect Ryan Coonerty will provide SCCBC members and guests with a post-election recap on Wednesday, November 12th from 8:00 – 9:00 AM at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, 2025 Soquel Drive, in Santa Cruz. Coonerty will give his thoughts on local election results and the impact they will have on our community, in particular, how they will impact SCCBC’s work. In addition to his election insights, Coonerty will also be taking questions about his priorities for when he assumes office in 2015.

The event is open to all members and invited guests, though space is limited. RSVP by sending your name to

What:  Post-election recap with County Supervisor-elect Ryan CoonertyRyan C

When:  Wednesday, November 12th @ 8:00 AM

Where:  PAMF/Sutter, 2025 Soquel Drive, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Santa Cruz

RSVP by sending your name to