SCC Business Council Submits Letter of Support for Pure Water Soquel Project

The Santa Cruz County Business Council submitted a letter to express our support for the Soquel Creek Water District’s (District) application for an implementation grant for $50,000,0000 under the Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program for its Pure Water Soquel Project. Read the full letter below: SupportLetter_PureWaterGrant_ Learn more about Pure Water Soquel.

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Soquel Creek Water District Draft EIR

The Soquel Creek Water District has released the draft EIR (Environmental Impact Report) for their Pure Water Soquel Project, this project has the following objectives: •Replenish the local groundwater basin •Prevent further seawater intrusion •Develop a sustainable water supply in a timely manner •Develop an affordable and reliable supplemental water source •Diversify and enhance resiliency…

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