What Bus Service?

That’s a question the residents of Santa Cruz County might soon be asking themselves if any of the following state bill pass: A1350, AB2012, and AB2176. Each one is aimed at increasing ridership in existing bus systems by completely eliminating the cost of ridership for specific age groups and people. AB1350 would allow anyone under the…

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190 West Cliff: 5 Biggest Takeaways

Last week the Santa Cruz City Council took an important step in our community’s housing future by approving 190 West Cliff, a density bonus project that will provide 79 new condos, 10 deeply affordable units, and a local market–combined with public open space–on what used to be an inefficient surface lot. The Business Council has been working…

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Santa Cruz is on the Move

Recently, the Santa Cruz County Business Council invited Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC)’s Executive Director Guy Preston to present at our May Board meeting. The presentation gave our board an excellent understanding of the different issues that the Santa Cruz County is facing such as maintenance, congestion, and transportation equity. You can view Guy’s…

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New Policy Overview: SB50

Learn more about a bill with huge potential for expanding California housing density and supply! This staff prepared presentation provides an overview of SB50 – an amendment to the State Density Bonus Law that would require local governments to grant an additional “equitable communities” incentive to housing developers if a given project is deemed to…

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SCCBC Formal Position on Unified Corridor Study

To: The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission From: Santa Cruz County Business Council Board of Directors RE: SCCBC Formal Position on Unified Corridor Study _______________________________________________________________________ Overview and Process: The Santa Cruz County Business Council Board of Directors has been conducting our own analysis of the preliminary results of the Unified Corridors Study (UCS), including…

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