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County Board to consider affordable housing recommendations in January

The final public hearing to approve changes to the County’s affordable housing guidelines has been moved to mid-January to give staff more time to prepare. For those of you who haven’t been following this issue, the County has been considering some of the most substantial changes to housing policy within the past decade in the…

La Bahia project appeal to be considered before Coastal Commission

An appeal to the Santa Cruz City Council’s approval of the La Bahia project will be heard before the CA Coastal Commission on Thursday, December 11th in Monterey shortly after 9 AM. Additional information on the Coastal Commission appeal can be found here: La Bahia CC agenda item – December 11, 2014 SCCBC strongly voiced…

SCCBC joins the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership

At their October meeting, the SCCBC Board of Directors approved the organization joining the newly formed Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP). According to their website, “MBEP consists of public, private and civic entities located throughout the counties of Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz. Our mission is to create a thriving region with good jobs, excellent…

County Board of Supervisors Approves Economic Vitality Study & Vision

After over a year of crafting and refinement, the County Board of Supervisors formally approved the Economic Vitality Study and Economic Development Vision & Strategy at their November 18th meeting. What initially began as a single “strategy” document, evolved into what is now being termed as a Study, along with a companion piece, the Vision…

Update: County Affordable Housing Policy and a recap from the 11/5 HAC meeting

SCCBC been closely following the County’s actions related to a reimagining of their affordable housing policies. While the key principal of a 15% affordable housing mandate will not change (1978’s Measure J makes sure of that), there are a handful of tweaks that could fuel an uptick in the number of both affordable and market-rate…

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