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Business Council Membership Unanimously Votes to Oppose Rent Control

Robert Singleton Executive Director Santa Cruz County Business Council (707) 569-4546 Business Council Membership Unanimously Votes to Oppose Rent Control The Santa Cruz County Business Council Membership in their vote chose to follow the recommendation of our Board of Directors to oppose the Rent Control and Just Cause Eviction Measure as well as the…

Strong Business, Better Community: My Time at the SCC Business Council

By: Sandra Parhami My name is Sandra Parhami, and for the last seven months I have served as the Policy and Programs Intern for the Santa Cruz County Business Council. As a recent college graduate from UCSC, I studied Economics and Cognitive Science— many would see this as a peculiar combination, but I thoroughly enjoyed…

High Tax Burden is Burning Out Local Cannabis Industry

By: Sandra Parhami After more than a century of prohibition on recreational Marijuana, constituents were hopeful that the passage of Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), approved by voters in 2016, would create state and federal tax revenue, as well as reduce the scope of the unregulated market, or ‘black market’, to…

Balancing Affordable Housing in Watsonville

Last week the City of Watsonville held a study session to review potential options for their inclusionary zoning ordinance. Now we’ve covered inclusionary zoning (IZ) extensively in other blog posts, but essentially IZ is when a jurisdiction requires a certain percentage of new housing to be deed restricted to only be available to those earning…

Homeless Services Center Presentation

At our May 2018 Board Meeting the Board heard from Susie O’Hara of the City of Santa Cruz regarding possible  temporary homeless encampment sites within Santa Cruz County. The Board also heard about action being taken by Homeless Services Center to aid homelessness in Santa Cruz through their programs as well as the current temporary…

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