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SCCBC Formal Position on Unified Corridor Study

To: The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission From: Santa Cruz County Business Council Board of Directors RE: SCCBC Formal Position on Unified Corridor Study _______________________________________________________________________ Overview and Process: The Santa Cruz County Business Council Board of Directors has been conducting our own analysis of the preliminary results of the Unified Corridors Study (UCS), including…

SCCBC 2018 Primary Election Results

Its officially been a week since California’s 2018 Midterm Election.Since then Business Council staff have been coming back to life and returning our full attention back to our SCCBC work. In this most recent election SCCBC staff was involved in several local measures as well as keeping constant tabs on a few statewide initiatives and…

Unified Corridor Study – Cost Breakdown and 30 Year Projection

The Unified Corridor Study (UCS) was released in late September of 2018, since its release Business Council Staff has been considering all aspects of the study in order to choose the best possible scenario for the future of Santa Cruz Transportation. We have created a cheat sheet of the costs of each aspect of the…

Seacliff Improvement Association Presentation

The Seacliff Improvement Association attended SCCBC’s Government Affairs Committee Meeting on 10/10/18 to discuss potential transportation improvements in the Seacliff and Aptos Village area. You can view their full presentation below. SIA Presentation to SC Business Council

County Adopts Fee Reduction Pilot Plan for ADUs

Today the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors, led by Chair Zach Friend, adopted in principle a pilot program to reduce the fees levied on new ADU owners as a means of encouraging more ADU development. ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units), also known as “Granny Units”, have long been sought after in both the unincorporated area of…

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