“What Realistic Policy Changes Could Improve Housing Affordability in the Monterey Bay Region?”

By admin | February 13, 2018 |

Santa Cruz County Business Council’s own Sibley Simon from Envision Housing and the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP) worked on a project aimed at the local housing Crisis. The Paper “What Realistic Policy Changes Could Improve Housing Affordability in the Monterey Bay Region?” discusses restructuring the current per square foot fee along with several other…

Inclusionary Zoning: What is it and What Does it Mean for Housing in Santa Cruz?

By admin | February 1, 2018 |

The issue of affordable housing in Santa Cruz has grown to become near unavoidable. From college students cramming more and more peoples into single bedrooms, to illegal garage units and add ons, to those who are forced out of their homes altogether and on to the streets–the evidence is everywhere. For those seeking to find…

Why AB1506 Was Bad for Housing

By admin | January 17, 2018 |

If you have been following the issue of housing in the California State legislature for any significant period of time then you have probably heard of the Costa-Hawkins Act, otherwise known as the Rental Housing Act, or “Rent Control” Act. Costa-Hawkins is a piece of legislation enacted in 1995 that regulates how local jurisdictions (Cities…

Press Release: The Future of Cannabis in the County of Santa Cruz

By admin | January 16, 2018 |

PRESS RELEASE Jan 15, 2018 Contact Jim Coffis jcoffis@gmail.com; 831-345-9643 The Future of Cannabis in the County of Santa Cruz A public meeting on the future of cannabis in the County of Santa Cruz will be held Wednesday evening, January 24 at the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean Street in Santa Cruz beginning at…

Pacific Park Groundbreaking

By admin | January 3, 2018 |

  After sitting as a vacant lot for over 27 years Park Pacific, the property located adjacent to Lulu Carpenter’s, has finally broken ground! After a moving speech by President Case Swenson, and some words of encouragement from Senior Vice President of Construction and Development Jesse Nickell, the group of builders joined with Santa Cruz Mayor David…

Public Correspondence: Amendments to County Housing Policy

By admin | December 11, 2017 |

 The following is letter written in part by Business Council staff, in concert with other housing and community leaders, regarding the County’s proposed amendments to it Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. The current list of signatories may not reflect the final number of people who have signed in support of the letter. [Proposed Amendments Under Item 59…

Santa Cruz Shows Up for Housing

By admin | November 15, 2017 |

On Tuesday night the Santa Cruz City Council passed the latest iteration of the Downtown Plan, increasing the zoning densities along lower Pacific Avenue and Front Street, and clearing the way for potentially up to 800 new units of housing. It was the single largest increase in zoning density within the City since the 1989…

Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz

By admin | November 12, 2017 |

MBoSC recently presented at the joint committee meeting of the SCCBC, sharing topics such as the current state of mountain biking locally, upcoming projects, land use planning opportunities, and more. If you weren’t at the meeting, you can check out their presentations: Sign up for their newsletter for regular updates.

MBEP Regional Transportation Initiative

By admin | November 12, 2017 |

Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP) announced its latest initiative focused on creating regional transportation options that lead to walkable neighborhoods, dynamic main streets and healthier communities. This new initiative was unveiled at MBEP’s 3rd Annual State of the Region conference on November 8. MBEP is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the region, and how we move within and between our cities has a major impact on the well – being of our neighborhoods and residents.…

County Updates – Developer Option in Jeopardy, Inclusionary Rental?

By admin | November 2, 2017 |

The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors recently gave direction to Planning staff to once again amend the County’s Affordable Housing Program (second time in 3 years), despite the process and economic concerns laid out by representatives the Business and Development Community. The proposed amendments appear to be staff driven, and include the elimination of…