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Santa Cruz Water Commission Weighs in on Potential Water Demand Offset Program
On Monday night, February 2nd, the City of Santa Cruz Water Commission heard a limited presentation about the potential for a Water Demand Offset (WDO) program within the department’s service area. The motivation for the “informational” discussion was partly a result of the current work being done by the Council appointed Water Supply Advisory Committee…

MBEP Launch and Summit Recap
Last week saw the culmination of months of hard work with the official launch of the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP), at their first ever regional economic summit for the tri-county Monterey Bay area. Entitled “Invent Your Future”, the event brought together hundreds of regional elected officials, business owners and community leaders to highlight the…

Business Council Looks Ahead to New Year, New Staff
Cruzio Internet’s Peggy Dolgenos will continue as Chair, while Gary Merrill will serve as interim Executive Director. January 7th— The Santa Cruz County Business Council will begin the New Year under the continuing leadership of Board Chair Peggy Dolgenos, cofounder and President of Cruzio Internet. Current Executive Director Joe Foster will be leaving in mid…

Board Meeting with Supervisor McPherson and Gine Johnson
Last Thursday Supervisor Bruce McPherson and his Chief of Staff Gine Johnson visited with the Business Council Board about his agenda for 2015. Of key importance were the recent passage of both the Economic Vitality Study and Sustainable Santa Cruz County Plan, both of which will serve as valuable policy frameworks for future projects and…

La Bahia appeal denied by CA Coastal Commission
SCCBC had the pleasure of attending the Coastal Commission’s public hearing to determine whether or not there was “substantial issue” with the Santa Cruz City Council approved La Bahia project (referenced in earlier SCCBC news posts). By a 10-1 vote, the Coastal Commission found that the “substantial issue” appeal did not have merit, therefore, the…