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SCCBC Sponsors Cruz Cares: A Pitch Contest for Social Change
The Santa Cruz County Business Council is proud to sponsor the second annual Cruz Cares: A Pitch Contest for Social Change, which challenges 6 local social or environmentally focused startups and/or nonprofits to pitch their new ideas for cash and prizes. When/Where/Who: April 6, 2016 Cruz Cares: Pitch Contest for Social Ventures 6:00 – 9:00pm Del…
Congratulations to Watsonville Coast Produce
Congratulations to Business Council member Watsonville Coast Produce on winning $100,000 to makeover their warehouse! “Erica Manfre, Watsonville Coast Produce sales and marketing manager, said he’s glad the cat is out of the bag. Months ago, she applied for the contest, which was inspired by TV show surprise home makeovers. As part of contest rules,…
Download the 2015 Annual Report
The Santa Cruz County Business Council is proud to release our 2015 Annual Report, which you can download here or view below. The report details an overview of our legislative work for the year, as well as listing our guest speakers and special projects. SCCBC – 2015 Annual Report from Robert Singleton
The Santa Cruz County Business Council has voted to formally endorse the half cent transportation sales tax measure being considered by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission. February 5th (Santa Cruz, CA) The Santa Cruz County Business Council (SCCBC) took a formal vote to endorse the expenditure plan that was adopted by the Santa…
Transportation Sales Tax Measure Draft Expenditure Plan Dec. 2015
The following are the most recently adopted spending priorities by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, which is pursuing a half-cent sales tax measure in 2016. The sales tax measure is expected to generate close to $450 million over 30 years before it sunsets automatically. Currently Sana Cruz County is one of only 10…