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Exploring Sonoma and Marin Counties SMARTer by Train?
Exploring Sonoma and Marin Counties SMARTer by Train? By: Sandra Parhami As a Southern California native, my first experience traveling by train was the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner, along the California coast, followed by a recent journey through the forest hills of Felton aboard the Roaring Camp Railroads. Neither of these experiences prepared me for the…

Upcoming Forum for 4th District Supervisor Seat
The Santa Cruz County Business Council and the Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture would like to invite you to be part of a public candidates forum of those running for the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors 4th District seat. This forum will include five candidates- Dr. Nancy Bilicich, Jimmy Dutra, Felipe Hernandez,…

Santa Cruz Climate Adaption Planning and Progress Update
Today the Joint Transportation and Infrastructure/Government Affairs Committee of the Santa Cruz County Business Council heard from Tiffany Wise-West from the City of Santa Cruz Climate Action group discuss the City of Santa Cruz’s Climate Adaption Planning and Progress Update. Her full presentation can be found below: Climate Adaptation Update_SCBC Apr 2018_Wise-West

Density Bonuses and You
Last week we announced that the Business Council would be working with other community partners, including Affordable Housing Now, MBEP, and the Chamber, to advocate in favor of a model density bonus program to be adopted at the County level. As part of that discussion we promised to provide a deeper dive into what a…

Assistant Director for California Housing and Community Development Linda Wheaton’s YIMBY Presentation
YIMBY’s inaugural event at the Dream Inn was held Wednesday, March 28, 2018 and featured Keynote Speaker Assistant Director for California Housing and Community Development, Linda Wheaton. Wheaton gave a rousing speech to all attendees, “Building California’s Future” about the current status of housing legislature at the state level in California and what its…